WP Staging Changelog = 2.2.6 = * Fix: If WPML is used the live site is not reachable * Fix: Can not disable optimizer * Fix: Stop cloning if wp_usermeta or wp_options can not be adapted * Fix: All methods should be private in class SearchReplace * Fix: PHP 7.2 is not countable warning * Fix: PHP 7.2 can not replace data in objects when object is incomplete (__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name) * New: Use fully custom login form to prevent access denied issues on sites where access to wp-login.php is denied or redirection plugins are used * New: Link to support section = 2.2.5 = * New: Compatible to WP 4.9.5 * New: Allow to select and copy extra folders that are on the root level * New: Use fully custom login form to prevent access denied issues on sites where access to wp-login.php is denied or redirection plugins are used * Fix: Incorrect login path to staging site if WordPress is installed in subdirectory * Fix: Login url is wrong if WP is installed in subfolder * Fix: If PHP 5.6.34 is used, the cloning process could be unfinished due to use of private member in protected class * Tweak: Only wp root folders are pre selected before cloning is starting * Tweak: Change WP_HOME or WP_SITEURL constants of staging site if they are defined in wp-config.php = 2.2.4 = * New: Replace even hardcoded links and server path by using search & replace through all staging site database tables * New: New and improved progress bar with elapsed time * Fix: Cancel cloning does not clean up unused tables and leads to duplicate tables * Tweak: Wordings in rating admin notice * Tweak: Better error messages * Tweak: Open staging site in same window from login request * Fix: Set meta noindex for staging site to make it non indexable for search engines = 2.2.3 = * Fix: Change default login link to wp-admin * Fix: Unneccessary duplicates of wpstg tables in db = 2.2.2 = * Fix: Undefined property: stdClass::$loginSlug = 2.2.1 = * New: Option to set Custom Login Link if there is one * New: Set meta noindex for staging site to make it non indexable for search engines * New: Better multiple folder selection. Allows to unselect a parent folder without collapsing all child folders * New: Sorted list of folders to copy * Fix: Can not login to staging site if plugin All In One WP Security & Firewall is used * Fix: Staging site not reachable because permalinks are not disabled under certain conditions = 2.2.0 = * Fix: Old staging site is not listed and pushing is not working properly if plugin is updated from wp staging version 1.6 and lower = 2.1.9 = * New: Performance improvement increase db query limit to 5000 * New: Detect automatically if WordPress is installed in sub folder * Tweak: Tested up to WP 4.9.4 * Fix: Updating from an old version 1.1.6 < to latest version deletes the staging sites listing table * Fix: Reduce memory size of the logging window to prevent browser timeouts * Fix: Can not copy db table if table name contains the db prefix multiple times * Fix: Some excluded folders are not ignored during copy process * Fix: mod_security is causing script termination * Fix: Skip directory listings for symlinks = 2.1.8 = * Fix: Increase the max memory consumption = 2.1.7 = * Tweak: Return more human readable error notices * Fix: Cloning process stops due to file permission issue * Fix: Exclude WP Super Cache from copying process because of bug in WP Super Cache, see https://github.com/Automattic/wp-super-cache/issues/505 = 2.1.6 = * New: increased speed for cloning process by factor 5, using new method of file agregation * New: Skip files larger than 8MB * Fix: Additional checks to ensure that the root path is never deleted * New: Compatible up to WP 4.9.1 = 2.1.5 = * Fix. Change link to support * Fix: Missing files in clone site if copy file limit is higher than 1 = 2.1.4 = * Fix: Link to the staging site is missing a slash if WordPress is installed in subdir * Tweak: Allow file copy limit 1 to prevent copy timeouts = 2.1.3 = * New: Add more details to tools->system info log for better debugging * New: Add buttons to select all default wp tables with one click * New: Show used db table in list of staging sites * Fix: Delete staging site not possible if db prefix is same as one of the live site * Fix: Edit/Update clone function is duplicating tables. * Fix: Other staging site can be overwritten when Edit/Update clone function is executed * Fix: Several improvements to improve reliability and prevent timeouts and fatal errors during cloning = 2.1.2 = * Fix: Remove LOCK_EX parameter in file_put_contents(). LOCK_EX is not working on several systems which results in cloning process timeouts * Fix: Huge Performance improvement in copying process by removing duplicate file entries in the cache file. This also prevents weird timeout issues on some hosted websites * Fix: Error 500 when debug mode is activated * Fix: Limit maximum execution time to 30 seconds * Fix: Sanitize Clone Names and Keys to fix "clone not found" issue in upgrade routine * Fix: Do not clone the plugin wps-hide-login * Fix: Staging sites can not be deleted if they are very big * Fix: Link to staging site is undefined * Tweak: Better admin message for asking for a review * Tweak: Remove table wpstg_rmpermalinks_executed when plugin is uninstalled * New: New setting to specify the maximum amount of files copied within one ajax call to fix godaddy and bluehost ajax 404 errors. Default 10 per batch = 2.1.1 = * New: Add link to tutorial explaining the process of pushing modification to the live site = 2.1.0 = * New: Exclude unneccessary files from cloning process: .tmp, .log, .htaccess, .git, .gitignore, desktop.ini, .DS_Store, .svn * New: More details for debugging in Tools->System Info * Fix: Check if tables in staging site exists before attempting to modify them * Fix: WordPress in sub directories were not opening * Fix: Nonce check not working if nonce life time is filtered by another plugin WP Bug: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/41617#comment:1 * Fix: Access to staging site not working, if WP_SITEURL and WP_HOME is defined in wp-config.php * Tweak: Exclude wp-content/cache folder from copying process = 2.0.9 = * Skip Version = 2.0.8 = * Fix: After update from wpstg 1.6.x to 2.x previous settings were not imported resulting in cancelation of cloning process. Still not fixed in 2.0.7 = 2.0.7 = * Fix: After update from wpstg 1.6.x to 2.x previous settings were not imported resulting in cancelation of cloning process = 2.0.6 = * Fix: Cancel Cloning button not working * Fix: Limit max execution time to a maximum of 30sec to prevent high memory consumption and script timeouts = 2.0.5 = * New: Major version - Complete rewrite of the code base * New: Batch processing allows to clone even huge sites without any timeouts * New: Preparation for WP QUADS PRO with ability to copy file changes back to live site * New: Bypass (broken) third party plugins during wp staging related ajax requests to prevent processing errors. Use a mu plugin for this. = 1.1.6 = * New: Add download link to WP Staging Beta Version 2.0.1 = 1.1.5 = * Fix: Admin notice is throwing a false positive write permission error * New: Move log folder to wp-content/uploads/wp-staging/logs * New: Tested up to WP 4.7.3 = 1.1.4 = * Fix: Fatal error Unsupported operand types = 1.1.3 = * New: Tested up to wp 4.7.2 * Fix: Arrows in drop down for folder selection are distorted * Tweak: Show working log as default to make debugging easier = 1.1.2 = * Fix: Settings are not deleted when plugin is removed * Fix: Staging site is available for non administrators = 1.1.1 = * Fix: Change rating url = 1.1.0 = * New: Tested up to WP 4.6 * New: Create a poll and ask what feature is most required = 1.0.9 = * Fix: Undefined WPSTG() warning * Fix: Change compatibility version to wp 4.5.3 = 1.0.8 = * Tested up to WP 4.5.2 = 1.0.7 = * Fix: Activation hook is not fired and staging site is not working properly * Performance: Increase default query copy limit to 1000 = 1.0.6 = * Fix: Uninstalling plugin throwing error * Fix: Error permission admin notice although permission issues are correct = 1.0.5 = * New: Tested up to WP 4.5 * Fix: Download system log not working * Fix: Click on Optimizer "Select all | none | invert" links leads to jumping * Tweak: Make clear that unselecting a checkbox will exlude table or file from copy process * Tweak: Remove unnecessary text * Tweak: Change beta notice in dashboard. WP Staging is stable * Tweak: Change twitter handle to @wpstg = 1.0.3 = * Fix: Missing const MASHFS_VERSION * Fix: Remove error "table XY has been created, BUT inserting rows failed." * Fix: Not tested up to 4.4.2 message shown although it's tested up to WP 4.4.2 * New: Disable either free or pro version and does not allow to have both version enabled at the same time = 1.0.2 = * Tweak: Change setting description of uninstall option * Tweak: Lower tags in readme.txt = 1.0.1 = * New: Orange colored admin bar on staging site for better visualization and comparision between production live site and staging site * Tweak: Remove contact link on multisite notification = 1.0.0 = * Fix: Do not follow symlinks during file copy process * Fix: css error * Fix: Show "not-compatible" notice only when blog version is higher than plugin tested version. * Fix: undefined var $size * Fix: Check if $path is null before writing to remaining_files.json * Fix: $db_helper undefined message * Fix: Skip non utf8 encoded files during copying process = 0.9.9 = * Fix: Use back ticks for table names to prevent copy errors when table names are containing hyphens or similar special characters * New: Load option to reduce cpu load and to lower the risk of killed ajax calls because of security flooding mechanism (Prevent 405 errors: not allowed) * Tweak: Load non minified js file when WPSTG debug mode is enabled = 0.9.8 = * New: Tested up to WP 4.4 * New: New debug mode in settings * Tweak: Check if url's in staging's wp-config.php needs a replacement and do so. * Fix: Prevent fatal error and end of copying process. Make sure files are writable before trying to copy them = 0.9.7 = * Fix: Change backend link to https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-staging/ when using an outdated version of the plugin * New: Tested up to WP 4.3.1 = 0.9.6 = * New: Show notice when there is not enough disk space for a clone * Fix: PHP Error on 32bit systems: "disk_free_space(): Value too large for defined data type" * Fix: Copying process of larges files gets interupted sometimes due undefined variable * Fix: Define width and height for the system info export formular * Fix: Cannot redeclare deleteDirectory() = 0.9.5 = * Fix: Option for cloning sites which are moved into a subdirectory was not working on several systems * New: WordPress Migration tested up to WP 4.3 = 0.9.4 = * Fix: Large files are copied partly * Fix: js error xhr.statusText not defined * New: Option for cloning sites which are moved into a subdirectory. Read more: https://codex.wordpress.org/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory * New: Create an alternative copy method for large files * New: Add new author WP-Staging to the readme.txt and to the wordpress repository = 0.9.3 = * Fix: Rating container is not shown because of wrong wordpress option name * Tweak: Change color of the rating links = 0.9.2 = * Fix: A conflict with the plugin WP Migrate DB (Pro) * Fix: Limit the staging name to maximum of 16 characters for migration process = 0.9.1 = * Fix: Change search and replace function for table wp_options when running migration. This prevented on some sites the moving of serialized theme data = 0.9 = * New: Release