WP STAGING – Our Story

It’s 2015, and the first version of the WordPress backup plugin WP STAGING was released.

At that time, I was working as a backend developer for some well-known clients. The websites of some of these clients had more than 300,000 visitors per month, and I needed a solution to work on their websites without risking shutting them down if I made a development mistake.

That’s when the idea of a user-friendly staging solution came to mind. A staging site for WordPress was nothing new, but it required many technical steps and a lot of time to create.

Staging plugin solutions for WordPress were not available, very complex, or did not work well and reliably enough to be considered a serious working tool for developers and end users.

Since none of the available plugins could meet my personal requirements, I developed the first WordPress plugin that allows you to create multiple independent staging sites with a simple click.

The term “staging” was completely new to most WordPress users, but that quickly changed.
After some time and growing success, the WP STAGING project impacted the WordPress community, so other plugins started implementing other so-called staging features and using the term “staging.”

This was never a problem for me. I would rather say it was the best thing that could have happened to me and my project!

Seeing other plugins pop up that are inspired by your work is the greatest appreciation you can get as a product and software developer. This has also helped spread the word about staging and made people aware of the importance of using a backup and staging solution for their website.

My primary goal has always been to provide a highly tested WordPress plugin with excellent; I would say outstanding, code quality to differentiate my plugin from any competitors that might come on the market.

Not many other WordPress plugins reach the same level of sophistication and ease of use, but WordPress users today know how important a staging and backup solution is for a website.

For example, if you’re a developer, you’ll be happy to hear that we run the entire codebase through thousands of automated tests during development and follow strict PSR coding standards.

You can learn more about that here.

As more and more website owners value robust and trustworthy code quality and are hesitant to install poorly written plugins that cannot guarantee good code quality for future reliability, it was the right decision to pursue this goal. This process takes more time, and we can’t implement new features as quickly as other plugins, but it’s worth it to focus on robustness instead of developing software that can’t be maintained and isn’t future-proofed.

It has proven to be a good decision, and we have gained many new users, friends, and partners with whom we have built solid and trustworthy relationships.

Due to the fast-growing popularity, I had to quickly build a team to take care of our free and professional users at the same high level I had with the code quality.

Today, I am happy to announce that WP STAGING has a team of very talented software developers and support engineers who will provide you with excellent and outstanding support. We maintain the quality standards of the code and the trust we have built from the beginning.

WP STAGING is well on its way to becoming a full-featured, extremely robust backup and staging solution. We will continue to implement more powerful and well-tested features that will give you the confidence to use them.

We look forward to supporting you at the same level for the next ten years.

If you want to learn more about WP STAGING’s history, get in touch with us.
You can find our images and logos free to use here.

Rene & Team WP STAGING