This extensive tutorial explains how to backup a WordPress website manually. Read this article instead if you want to automatically backup your website with one click using WP STAGING | PRO: How to backup and restore WordPress. I’m sure you love your website and can’t afford to lose it. Every website can get hacked or … Continue reading “How to Backup a WordPress Website Manually Using cPanel”
Why You Should Disable WordPress Automatic Updates… and when not!
WordPress automatic updates are a double-edged sword. They can be accommodating, but on the other hand, extremely dangerous if you have a business-critical website. Let me show you what consequences it can have if you activate WordPress automatic updates for the WordPress core system, plugins, and themes and how you can deactivate automatic WordPress updates … Continue reading “Why You Should Disable WordPress Automatic Updates… and when not!”
These 7 WordPress Plugins are Installed on More Than 25 Million Websites
With the endless variety of plugins available, finding the best WordPress plugins can be challenging. After all, only one lousy plugin can turn your once beautiful and elegant website into a jungle of broken code, shaky themes, and faulty functionality. I’ve installed and checked various WordPress plugins to determine which ones are worth your time … Continue reading “These 7 WordPress Plugins are Installed on More Than 25 Million Websites”
How to Create a WordPress Backup Manually: A Step-by-Step Guide
Backing up your WordPress website is a crucial step in maintaining the security and stability of your site. A backup ensures that you can quickly restore your site in case of any data loss, corruption, hacking, or server crashes. While many plugins can help you create automatic backups, it is also possible to create a … Continue reading “How to Create a WordPress Backup Manually: A Step-by-Step Guide”
How to Speed up And Cache Your WordPress Site – Ultimate Guide
In this guide, I’ll show you how to speed up your WordPress website tremendously by setting up a few tools. Learn how to speed up your website loading times by a factor 5 or more. Let’s go for a better user experience and improved search engine rankings 💪 Lowering your site page load and increasing … Continue reading “How to Speed up And Cache Your WordPress Site – Ultimate Guide”
How to Fix Error: Could not save Password Reset Key to Database
Are you trying to login to your WordPress website, but it failed? Do you try to reset the password, and you get the error ‘Could not save Password Reset Key to Database’? That indicates that there is not enough free space left on your hosting account, and WordPress cannot write new login information into the database. … Continue reading “How to Fix Error: Could not save Password Reset Key to Database”
phpMyAdmin Repair and Optimize Database Tables Tutorial
Sometimes, it might be necessary to repair a MySQL database table. This can be the case if your WordPress site acts weirdly or slowly. So, for instance, when you notice that modified settings in your WordPress dashboard are not permanently saved, it could indicate a corrupted database table. Another indicator for a corrupted MySQL table … Continue reading “phpMyAdmin Repair and Optimize Database Tables Tutorial”
How to Redirect a Page or URL in WordPress: A Complete Guide
Redirecting a page or URL in WordPress is essential for any website owner or administrator. Whether managing broken links, migrating content, or optimizing your site’s structure for SEO, knowing how to set up redirects can save you from losing valuable traffic. This guide explores redirects, why they’re important, and step-by-step instructions on implementing them in … Continue reading “How to Redirect a Page or URL in WordPress: A Complete Guide”
How to Repair mySQL Database with phpmyadmin and adminer
Your MySQL database is important for storing and managing data. If it starts having issues like errors or corrupted tables, it can affect your website or application. Thankfully, tools like phpMyAdmin and Adminer make it easy to repair databases. This guide explains how to fix your MySQL database step by step using these tools. REPAIRING … Continue reading “How to Repair mySQL Database with phpmyadmin and adminer”
How to Migrate WordPress to a New Server (Step-By-Step-Guide)
WordPress website migration can be a daunting and stressful task, especially when you don’t know how to tackle it without complications. Read this step-by-step guide to migrate WordPress to a new server on your own without any fear of making a mistake and damaging your site(s).
WordPress website migration can be a daunting and stressful task, especially when you don’t know how to tackle it without complications. Read this step-by-step guide to migrate WordPress to a new server on your own without any fear of making a mistake and damaging your site(s).