Migrate WordPress Staging Site to Production Site

When you create a WordPress website using WP STAGING, there often comes a time when you want to migrate WordPress to your production website.This step-by-step guide will show you how to manually migrate WordPress to your production website. Please make sure you are tech savvy and know how to work with databases and files. Although … Continue reading “Migrate WordPress Staging Site to Production Site”

Where Are WooCommerce Products Stored In The WordPress Database?

Sometimes you add new WooCommerce products on your staging site and just want to add those new products to the live site without affecting other data like orders and transactions. Therefore you need to make sure to copy only the relevant tables which contain the WooCommerce products data. Products are located mainly in 2 tables: … Continue reading “Where Are WooCommerce Products Stored In The WordPress Database?”

Serialized Data, What Does That Mean And Why is it so Important?

Note: This article is for people interested in how WordPress technically stores its data. If you just like to use WP Staging, you do not need to read or understand the article below. WordPress core and most of its plugins are storing data in the database in a particular format, so-called serialized data representation. That … Continue reading “Serialized Data, What Does That Mean And Why is it so Important?”