
Where Are WooCommerce Products Stored In The WordPress Database?

Sometimes you add new WooCommerce products on your staging site and just want to add those new products to the live site without affecting other data like orders and transactions. Therefore you need to make sure to copy only the relevant tables which contain the WooCommerce products data. Products are located mainly in 2 tables: … Continue reading “Where Are WooCommerce Products Stored In The WordPress Database?”

WP Staging 2.2.4 New Features

WP Staging 2.2.4 brings a lot of new features, fixes and improvements to make the creation of WordPress staging and test sites more reliable and easier than ever! Our biggest improvement is the support for search & replace of serialized data when a staging site is created. The pro version already supports that powerful feature … Continue reading “WP Staging 2.2.4 New Features”

Serialized Data, What Does That Mean And Why is it so Important?

Note: This article is for people interested in how WordPress technically stores its data. If you just like to use WP Staging, you do not need to read or understand the article below. WordPress core and most of its plugins are storing data in the database in a particular format, so-called serialized data representation. That … Continue reading “Serialized Data, What Does That Mean And Why is it so Important?”

WP STAGING | PRO 2.2.0 – Latest Update News

This is the complete changelog for all modifications of WP Staging Pro 2.2.0 WP STAGING|PRO 2.2.0 Fix: Cloning a new site results in [undefined] Fix: Show all tables from the tables selection dialogue and use default selection for correct tables Fix: If clone has been created with an older WP Staging version its not possible to … Continue reading “WP STAGING | PRO 2.2.0 – Latest Update News”

WP Staging 2.1.9 – What has been changed and improved?

WP Staging 2.1.9 has been released and it brings you several improvements to ensure better compatibility for websites on hosted accounts like bluehost or godaddy. If you are on one of these web hosts and you experience a cloning process error like “Can not find ajax url” than this update is for you. WP Staging 2.1.9 also … Continue reading “WP Staging 2.1.9 – What has been changed and improved?”