How to Create a WordPress Magic Login Link to Share it With Clients

Once you set up your staging site, you can generate a login link for your team members or clients. The easiest way to do this is by using the WP Staging plugin, which has a built-in login link generator.

1. Navigate to WP Staging > Sites

2. Click “Actions.”

Create a magic login link

3. Click “Share Login Link”

share login link button

4. Select the user role that should be able to access the site

5. Select the login link expiration time

Magic login link expiration time

6. Click “Create Login Link”

create login link

7. Click “Proceed”

confirm magic link creation

8. Click the generated link to copy it

copy login link and send it to client.

Now that you have your login link, it’s time to share it with your team members or clients. You can do this via email, chat, or any other communication tool you’re using. Ensure to include clear instructions on using the login link and any login credentials needed.

Updated on September 11, 2023