No Images are Visible on the Staging Site

Note: This article is outdated and this is no issue any longer! The latest WP Staging version can copy the media files even if they are outside the WordPress root folder

Suppose you create a staging site, and images and other media files are not shown on the staging site. That can happen if your WordPress website has a non-default location for the uploads folder or if the uploads folder is outside the WordPress production site’s root folder (ABSPATH)

The WordPress default location for the uploads media folder is

If you changed this to something like /var/www/wp-content/uploads then WP STAGING cannot copy the images to the staging site.

You have a few options to make the images appear on the staging site:

  • Change the value of the database option upload_path in the table wp_options.
  • Change the constant value UPLOADS in the wp-config.php file in the staging site’s directory.
  • Copy the media files manually via FTP from the production site to the staging site location wp-content/uploads.

We are already working on an update for WP STAGING to support custom folders like this.

Please get in contact with us if you need assistance with it.

Updated on April 27, 2023