
How to Install WordPress Locally, Manually and on Your Website – Step by Step Tutorial

WordPress is known as one of the most popular website builders in the world. The main reason is that WordPress is easy to install, which makes it easy for anyone to build a website. By using good WordPress web hosting companies, you can install WordPress with just a few clicks. In general, installing WordPress is … Continue reading “How to Install WordPress Locally, Manually and on Your Website – Step by Step Tutorial”

How to Fix the Error “Another Update in Progress” in WordPress

 What is the reason for the error “Another Update in Progress”? Updating the WordPress core will show you this error message: Another update is in progress. WordPress automatically sets a value into the database during the core update process that locks further updates. This database option prevents you from running simultaneous updates on your … Continue reading “How to Fix the Error “Another Update in Progress” in WordPress”

How to Stop a DDoS Attack on WordPress Website

WordPress is the most used and popular Content Management System. The WordPress core system is very secure and reliable, and many popular websites are built on top of it. Its flexible plugin system can extend almost every possible feature to the core. But no matter how robust your structure is, there are intruders out there … Continue reading “How to Stop a DDoS Attack on WordPress Website”

3 Ways to Change the WordPress Database Table Prefix

WordPress is the strongest candidate out there when we talk about website builders. It provides almost every feature to build a professional and safe website. Every action in a WordPress site is interlinked with the database: Therefore, we need a secure connection to the database to keep hackers away from our valuable site data. Even … Continue reading “3 Ways to Change the WordPress Database Table Prefix”

How to Increase the Maximum Upload File Size in WordPress

Did you know that the server upload file size limit can restrict you to upload large media files like video files, huge images, themes, and plugins? Maybe you’ve run yourself into the error “exceeds the maximum upload size for this site” while trying to upload some large media files to your WordPress site. So you … Continue reading “How to Increase the Maximum Upload File Size in WordPress”

How to Easily Move Your Website from to

    Do you plan to move your blog from to a self-hosted website that you can get from For many users, this is a good choice. Did you know that and are, in fact, two different platforms? Do you want to know which option is the better choice for your needs? … Continue reading “How to Easily Move Your Website from to”

How to Change WordPress Table Prefix of mySQL Database

If you like to change the WordPress table prefix of the database on an existing WordPress website, you can use the following SQL query, where you have to update the header and the SET properties to your needs: database name oldprefix_ newprefix_ This is the SQL query: SET @database = “databasename”; SET @oldprefix = “oldprefix_”; … Continue reading “How to Change WordPress Table Prefix of mySQL Database”

How to Migrate WordPress to a New Server (Step-By-Step-Guide)

WordPress website migration can be a daunting and stressful task, especially when you don’t know how to tackle it without complications. Read this step-by-step guide to migrate WordPress to a new server on your own without any fear of making a mistake and damaging your site(s).

WordPress website migration can be a daunting and stressful task, especially when you don’t know how to tackle it without complications. Read this step-by-step guide to migrate WordPress to a new server on your own without any fear of making a mistake and damaging your site(s).