Why is the WordPress Activity Log Vital for Your Website’s Security?

The WordPress platform is a well-known and widely used content management system (CMS). With its user-friendly interface and extensive plugin ecosystem, WordPress makes it easy for businesses and individuals to create and manage their online presence. However, as with any software, WordPress is not immune to security issues, and it is essential to keep track of … Continue reading “Why is the WordPress Activity Log Vital for Your Website’s Security?”

Disable WordPress Cron wp-cron and Activate External Cron Jobs

WordPress has a built-in WordPress cron task scheduler known as wp-cron. This cron scheduler can be used to perform various tasks at predetermined intervals, such as creating scheduled backup, publishing scheduled posts, checking for updates, and running plugin tasks. However, wp-cron can sometimes cause performance issues, especially on high-traffic websites but there is a way … Continue reading “Disable WordPress Cron wp-cron and Activate External Cron Jobs”

How to Fix the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress

In WordPress, the Internal Server Error or Error 500 is one of the most annoying errors because it does not return actual data about the underlying issue. It’s hard for beginners to eliminate it. There are many different reasons for Internal Server Errors. Download WP STAGING to avoid this and other errors in the future. … Continue reading “How to Fix the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress”

Add WordPress SSL and Move from HTTP to HTTPS

If your WordPress site has no SSL certificate, all your visitors will get the message “site not secure.” At worst, your visitors will immediately leave your website at this point and look somewhere else. In this article, we’re moving your WordPress website from HTTP to HTTPS to get better search results and protect your visitors’ … Continue reading “Add WordPress SSL and Move from HTTP to HTTPS”

How to fix a WordPress Blank White Page – Error 500

You are working on your WordPress website and make updates like installing a new plugin, and all of a sudden, all you see is a blank page or an Error 500 message. You no longer have access to your website. In this article, I will explain how you can fix this problem as quickly as … Continue reading “How to fix a WordPress Blank White Page – Error 500”

How to Create a Contact Form with WPForms

If you have a website, you likely want to give your visitors an option to contact you directly from your site. You can do that easily by adding a contact form so that visitors, customers, clients, or even potential partners can get in touch with you when they need help or when they have something … Continue reading “How to Create a Contact Form with WPForms”

Why You Should Disable WordPress Automatic Updates… and when not!

WordPress automatic updates are a double-edged sword. They can be accommodating, but on the other hand, extremely dangerous if you have a business-critical website. Let me show you what consequences it can have if you activate WordPress automatic updates for the WordPress core system, plugins, and themes and how you can deactivate automatic WordPress updates … Continue reading “Why You Should Disable WordPress Automatic Updates… and when not!”

These 7 WordPress Plugins are Installed on More Than 25 Million Websites

With the endless variety of plugins available, finding the best WordPress plugins can be challenging. After all, only one lousy plugin can turn your once beautiful and elegant website into a jungle of broken code, shaky themes, and faulty functionality. I’ve installed and checked various WordPress plugins to determine which ones are worth your time … Continue reading “These 7 WordPress Plugins are Installed on More Than 25 Million Websites”

Update procedures for Ubuntu Server, Nginx and MySql

These update procedures contain only essential information and best practices for updating a running ubuntu server and keeping the downtime low. Ubuntu 16.04.6 to Ubuntu 18.04 Backup – If you use a cloud hoster like digitalocean, create a snapshot. It’s recommended to power off the VM before creating the snapshot for keeping file integrity. If … Continue reading “Update procedures for Ubuntu Server, Nginx and MySql”