
How to Backup WordPress to Google Drive?

We invest countless hours into creating, customizing, and optimizing our online presence, so it’s crucial to have a reliable backup plan in place. In the event of unforeseen circumstances like data loss, hacking attempts, or even accidental deletion, having a backup ensures that you can quickly restore your website to its former glory. Regarding backups, … Continue reading “How to Backup WordPress to Google Drive?”

How to Revert to a Previous Version of WordPress?

WordPress is a popular content management system used by millions of websites worldwide. While it’s essential to keep your WordPress site up-to-date with the latest version, there may be situations where you need to revert to a previous version. In this article, we’ll explore the steps in reverting to a previous version of WordPress and highlight … Continue reading “How to Revert to a Previous Version of WordPress?”

How to Troubleshoot the 502 Bad Gateway Error in WordPress

As a WordPress user or developer, you may have encountered your fair share of frustrating errors while working on your website. One of the most common and perplexing issues is the dreaded “502 Bad Gateway” error. This error message can leave even the most experienced WordPress users scratching their heads. If you’ve ever encountered this … Continue reading “How to Troubleshoot the 502 Bad Gateway Error in WordPress”

How to Remove Query Strings from Static Resources in WordPress

Have you ever run a speed test on your website and noticed that it recommends removing query strings from static resources? Query strings are the parameters added to the end of a URL that affects the resource’s behavior, and they can cause caching issues that slow down your website. This guide will show you how … Continue reading “How to Remove Query Strings from Static Resources in WordPress”

How to Disable a WordPress Plugin From the Database?

WordPress plugins are a great way to add new functionality to your website. However, sometimes a plugin may cause issues that can’t be resolved through the WordPress dashboard. You may need to disable a WordPress plugin from the database in such cases. What are the Top Reasons for Disabling WP Plugins from Database? You might … Continue reading “How to Disable a WordPress Plugin From the Database?”

Why is the WordPress Activity Log Vital for Your Website’s Security?

The WordPress platform is a well-known and widely used content management system (CMS). With its user-friendly interface and extensive plugin ecosystem, WordPress makes it easy for businesses and individuals to create and manage their online presence. However, as with any software, WordPress is not immune to security issues, and it is essential to keep track of … Continue reading “Why is the WordPress Activity Log Vital for Your Website’s Security?”

How to Export and Import WordPress Users

Exporting and importing WordPress users can be useful if you need to move users from one WordPress site to another, or if you want to create a backup of your user data. This can also be useful when migrating user accounts from a development site to a production site or transferring users between different WordPress … Continue reading “How to Export and Import WordPress Users”

How to Create a New WordPress Network Sub-Site

Before proceeding, please ensure that your WordPress installation has Multisite enabled. If you haven’t yet enabled Multisite, you can do this by following the WordPress Codex guide on Creating a Network. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a New WordPress Network Site Remember that the new site will activate the default theme and deactivate plugins. You can … Continue reading “How to Create a New WordPress Network Sub-Site”

Quick Start – How to Create a Staging Site

Creating a staging site is an important step in the website development process. It allows you to test changes, plugins, and themes without affecting your live site. This guide will cover the basics of creating a staging site using the WP Staging plugin. This is a quick start tutorial! You’ll find the full guide here. … Continue reading “Quick Start – How to Create a Staging Site”

How to Redirect Users Based on Role in WordPress After Login

WordPress is a popular and robust content management system that enables the management of user roles and capabilities. A common need for many websites is the ability to direct users to different pages depending on their assigned roles. WordPress provides a range of flexible options to direct administrators to a specific dashboard, subscribers to a … Continue reading “How to Redirect Users Based on Role in WordPress After Login”