
How to Increase PHP Max Input Vars Limit in WordPress

The “PHP Max Input Vars” variable max_input_vars was introduced in PHP as a security measure to limit the maximum number of POST variables sent. It represents the number of variables your server can use to run a function. If you get the error “Increase PHP Max Input Vars Limit” in WordPress, you must increase the … Continue reading “How to Increase PHP Max Input Vars Limit in WordPress”

What is the Best WordPress Backup Plugin? A Review

Trust and reliability are essential when it comes to choosing the right backup plugin for your WordPress site. With so many plugins available, it is not easy to know which one to trust with the security and stability of your site. That’s why we’ve decided to find the best, most reliable, and most trusted WordPress … Continue reading “What is the Best WordPress Backup Plugin? A Review”

Test Plugin Updates & Website Changes Using One Single Dashboard!

Has a plugin update ever affected your website? Or are you afraid of modifying your website while keeping your audiences on hold?Well, I’d like to speak about a well-known solution to all this and more – create a staging site! Managing a staging site is easier when you have just one website. Really? What if … Continue reading “Test Plugin Updates & Website Changes Using One Single Dashboard!”

Fix: Call to undefined function get allowed block template part areas()

After updating to WordPress version 5.9, you may get a blank white page or a fatal error saying something like: [26-Jan-2022 15:52:28 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_allowed_block_template_part_areas() in /home/web/public_html/new/wp-includes/blocks/template-part.php:168 If you only get a white page without seeing anything, you can verify this error by activating the WordPress debug.log. … Continue reading “Fix: Call to undefined function get allowed block template part areas()”

How to Create and Add an Admin User With MySQL in WordPress

Did you lock yourself out of the WordPress admin dashboard?That can happen due to changes in the database, an accident, or a technical issue that deleted your WordPress admin account. Do you need a WordPress admin user restoration service? Buy WP Staging Pro and one of our developers will restore the WordPress admin user for … Continue reading “How to Create and Add an Admin User With MySQL in WordPress”

News: GoDaddy Hosted Websites Compromised – Security Breach Affects 1.2M WordPress Customers

In November 2021, GoDaddy announced that an unknown attacker had gained unauthorized access to the system used to serve its managed WordPress sites, affecting up to 1.2 million WordPress customers. Note that this number does not include the number of customers on websites affected by this violation, and some GoDaddy customers have more than one … Continue reading “News: GoDaddy Hosted Websites Compromised – Security Breach Affects 1.2M WordPress Customers”

How to Backup and Restore Your WordPress Website

This article explains how you can backup WordPress with the free backup plugin WP STAGING. WP STAGING is one of the fastest and best-tested WordPress backup plugins. You can create a backup of your entire WordPress website with one click, download the backup, and even migrate it to another website. So, If your website breaks … Continue reading “How to Backup and Restore Your WordPress Website”

How to Create a WordPress Backup Manually: A Step-by-Step Guide

Backing up your WordPress website is a crucial step in maintaining the security and stability of your site. A backup ensures that you can quickly restore your site in case of any data loss, corruption, hacking, or server crashes. While many plugins can help you create automatic backups, it is also possible to create a … Continue reading “How to Create a WordPress Backup Manually: A Step-by-Step Guide”

How to Fix the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress

In WordPress, the Internal Server Error or Error 500 is one of the most annoying errors because it does not return actual data about the underlying issue. It’s hard for beginners to eliminate it. There are many different reasons for Internal Server Errors. Download WP STAGING to avoid this and other errors in the future. … Continue reading “How to Fix the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress”