
How to Repair mySQL Database with phpmyadmin and adminer

REPAIRING MYSQL DATABASES WITH PHPMYADMIN If your website behaves strangely, like throwing unknown errors, or cannot save settings permanently, then it is likely that your database has become corrupted. When this happens, you can try to repair database tables using one of the most popular database administration tools, phpMyAdmin or adminer. To repair MySQL database … Continue reading “How to Repair mySQL Database with phpmyadmin and adminer”

How to Clear Browser Cache and Cookies?

Modern Browsers like Safari, Firefox, and  Chrome attempt to keep local copies of pages, images, JavaScript, and stylesheets. Doing that ensures that your browser does not need to download these pages or resources again later. Why is Clearing Browser Cache Necessary? Usually, browsers know when they need to refresh the cache but under certain circumstances, … Continue reading “How to Clear Browser Cache and Cookies?”

Change Language Collation of all mySQL Database Tables

If the language collation of your production and staging site database server is different you can use the MySQL query below to create a new query that allows you to change the language collation of all database tables at once. SELECT CONCAT(“ALTER TABLE “, TABLE_SCHEMA, ‘.’, TABLE_NAME,” COLLATE latin1_general_ci;”) AS ExecuteTheString FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA=”DATABASE_NAME” AND … Continue reading “Change Language Collation of all mySQL Database Tables”

WP STAGING has an Astounding Review-to-Install Ratio

We are doing a lot of work to please our users, no matter if they use the free version of WP Staging or the premium variant named WP Staging Pro. The main secret of the success of WP Staging is its simplicity, but much more how our team handles all the incoming support tickets. We … Continue reading “WP STAGING has an Astounding Review-to-Install Ratio”

MySQL Query: How to Delete all WooCommerce Orders

Use this MySQL query to delete all woocommerce orders at once from the MySQL command line. This can be useful if you want to delete all orders on your staging site and then import all orders again from the live site to make the staging site up to date before pushing it to the live … Continue reading “MySQL Query: How to Delete all WooCommerce Orders”

Migrate WordPress Staging Site to Production Site

When you create a WordPress website using WP STAGING, there often comes a time when you want to migrate WordPress to your production website.This step-by-step guide will show you how to manually migrate WordPress to your production website. Please make sure you are tech savvy and know how to work with databases and files. Although … Continue reading “Migrate WordPress Staging Site to Production Site”

Revolution Slider X Theme Record not found

Did you install the X Theme by and got the message “Record not found” after installing the demo content or activating the slider revolution plugin? A bug causes this in the X Theme WordPress theme, which you can resolve very quickly. The reason for that issue is that X Theme expects at least one previously … Continue reading “Revolution Slider X Theme Record not found”

Release of WP Staging Pro 2.4.5

Today, we released WP Staging Pro 2.4.5 with a lot of new useful features and important bug fixes. That version also contains some preparations for the upcoming version which allows cloning of WordPress multisite. For instance, WP Staging Pro 2.4.5 allows you to define the maximum file size to copy. From now on you can … Continue reading “Release of WP Staging Pro 2.4.5”

Where Are WooCommerce Products Stored In The WordPress Database?

Sometimes you add new WooCommerce products on your staging site and just want to add those new products to the live site without affecting other data like orders and transactions. Therefore you need to make sure to copy only the relevant tables which contain the WooCommerce products data. Products are located mainly in 2 tables: … Continue reading “Where Are WooCommerce Products Stored In The WordPress Database?”